Im Not Going Through Puberty Again
I Am NOT Going Through Puberty Once more! (AO3 Link
) is a Naruto Peggy Sue epilogue-compliant Fissure Fic past EvilFuzzy9.
Unlike the vast majority (read: almost all) of Peggy sue fan-fiction, this work does non attempt to make whatsoever sort of unnecessary dramatization in the plot - it, in its essence, is a Crack Fic with a loose plot framework. In it, the title character of Naruto is accompanied by Sakura, Sasuke, a (unusually plenty, for a peggy sue) slightly mentally unbalanced Hinata, and Kurama. Unlike other pieces of fanfiction the five are not exactly happy about coming back to the past, having left a perfectly skillful and not-in-imminent-danger-of-destruction world backside, substantially undoing their case of Earn Your Happy Ending.
It was concluded on December xx, 2015 after 39 chapters and an epilogue. It exceeded 233,000 words as the finished production.
Note: Spoilers for the ending of Naruto. Every bit this fic assumes you lot are familiar with the epilogue of the manga, along with The Last: Naruto the Moving-picture show and Boruto: Naruto the Movie, all potential spoilers are unmarked.
- Adult Fear: The reason Sasuke and Sakura only have 1 child. Sasuke is terrified of potentially recreating the circumstances of his own traumatic childhood.
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: In Chapter 29, 12-twelvemonth sometime Sasuke muses a Wall of Text on how he not only finds this
stupid but insulting.
Sasuke didn't come across himself as a charming person. He had no idea what all those girls saw in him, to exist frank. He was biting, asocial, wrapped in darkness and scarred by grief. The phrase "damaged goods" surely existed solely to describe people like himself.
He was not the kind of person that he thought a smart or self-respecting daughter should pursue. Couldn't they encounter how messed up he was? How dangerous a path he would have to walk?
Information technology galled Sasuke that so many girls should exist so smitten with him. Information technology felt insulting, somehow, like their infatuation devalued the tragedy of his clan'southward destruction, romanticizing his pain and frustration into an unrecognizable caricature of the person he actually was.
Their smiling, giggling, blushing, and cooing all angered him. Like they saw it all as one big game, like they didn't have annihilation seriously. They didn't get it. They refused to empathise. - All Men Are Perverts: Subverted. While Naruto and Sasuke are perverted in their own rights (as much as Sasuke would like to deny it), Sakura outdoes them both in that regard, ironically enough. She is an avid reader of the Icha Icha series (which both Naruto and Konohamaru have ghostwritten since Jiraiya'south death), shamelessly checks out other men in forepart of her husband and draws naughty doodles on the back of her exam sheet to kill fourth dimension later completing information technology. Hinata is too shockingly assuming when information technology comes to Naruto, outright teasing him in public.
- Omnipotent Janitor: Technically. While this is a result of a Peggy Sue, that doesn't modify the fact that the four strongest ninja in the village are currently genin. Naruto and Sasuke are especially egregious cases, equally they became past far the ii strongest ninja alive, menses earlier making it to chunin in the main timeline.
- Amazon Chaser: Naruto is definitely hot for powerful women. Exhibit A is, of course, his lovely and svelte married woman, who is a principal of her clan'southward fighting style. Still, she is not alone. When sensing Konan taking care of Obito, he has this to say, "That woman is as terrifying as she is gorgeous... and let me tell you, if I weren't happily married, and also physically just thirteen? I would tap that then hard."
- Ambiguously Bi: Everyone has shades of this.
- Sakura claims she'due south straight, but the fact that she gushes a lot about other bonny women raises a few eyebrows.
- Naruto and Sasuke have no compunctions checking out Haku'southward ass even though they know total well that despite his feminine appearance, he's a man.
- Obito's inner monologue after awakening the Rinnegan mentions that he once fantasized about Kakashi.
- Sakura conditions Ino to be the same, starting with naughty cartoon on the back of her exam sail and culminating in a very erotic genjutsu during the finals of the exam. By the time she's washed, Ino is addressing her equally "mistress" and the epilogue mentions that the collaborative pornographic manga that she and fellow Sai make has female protagonists that resembles Sakura.
- An Arm and a Leg: Equally in canon, both Naruto and Sasuke lost an arm during their final fight. Sasuke objected to replacing his, and when he wakes up in his twelve-year-old body, he assumes he's been unknowingly fitted with a prosthetic and casually rips off his very existent left arm at the elbow.
- Appeal to Tradition: Played for Laughs. Later watching Hinata's epic friction match with Sakura during the finals, shattering his unabridged worldview, Hiashi is firmly nether the opinion that his entire clan's system is "bullshit", leading to this hilarious exchange.
Hanabi: What is bullshit, father?
Hiashi: Tradition. (a response Hiashi would regret for many years) - As You Know: Played with. Naruto asks Guy how Lee's training weights piece of work but and so anybody else tin hear. Naruto already knows, simply Guy doesn't know that Naruto knows.
- Writer Appeal: The author is a shameless pervert. Coincidentally, three of the four main characters are likewise shameless perverts (two of whom happen to exist writing the Icha Icha series under an umbrella pseudonym, while the third is a huge fan); the 4th and everyone else have, at the very least, perverted tendencies. While in that location's cypher especially explicit, at that place's more enough for the story to be rated "One thousand" on FanFiction.Net.
- Awesomeness by Analysis: The Third Hokage knows of the time travelers, and that Naruto was Hokage in the future (even if he got the number wrong). He deduced it by observing how they acted and the extent of their abilities .
- Battle Butler: Orochimaru'southward butler, named Jeeves, is fully capable of sneaking upwards on and getting rid of Obito.
Obito: Annotation to self. Lookout the HELL out for butlers in the future.
- Because Destiny Says And then:
- Sort of. Upon finding that she's married to Sasuke in the futurity, 12-year old Sakura uses this every bit to make 12-yr old Sasuke stop rejecting her advances, since they're DESTINED to exist together.
- Naruto has like thoughts too. Upon finding that Sakura is married to Sasuke, and he'south married to Hinata, he concludes that he should stop pursuing Sakura and go to know Hinata better (which also made him realize that his crush on Sakura might not be that stiff if he can requite up on it so easily).
- Bedmate Reveal:
- In chapter 17, Shizune woke upwardly in bed with Iruka. This led to a very awkward breakfast (full of
Accidental Allusion) for both of them.
- As well happens to the 12 twelvemonth one-time version of Team seven and Hinata when they wake up in their adult bodies, in bed with their respective spouses. Naruto and Sasuke completely freak out, Sakura thinks a pedophile is trying to rape her, and Hinata concludes she MUST be dreaming.
- In chapter 17, Shizune woke upwardly in bed with Iruka. This led to a very awkward breakfast (full of
- Beware the Nice Ones: Many feel that Hinata "snapping" was a result of all the pressure level put on her, despite her usually kind demeanor. As Ko points out in his head, anybody thought Itachi was a prissy kid also, and look at how he turned out. Granted, Itachi really is still a genuinely nice person when not undercover, but information technology's not similar anyone else other than the four time travelers, Obito, the Sandaime Hokage, and the Konoha Elders know that — at least until he is pardoned and returns to Konoha right before the chunin examination finals.
- Big Sister Worship: Bearing witness to "The Hinata Massacre" has acquired Hanabi to become outright starry-eyed when seeing her sister, with the slightest hint of shame for always doubting her power.
- Blatant Lies: When inquired by Kakashi on how he lost his arm, Sasuke bluntly states that he fell downwards some stairs.
- Blessed with Suck: Obito ends up developing a Rinnegan following Konan and Nagato'southward betrayal (meaning that Kakashi gets i besides due to them sharing optics). This means that Obito sees everything that Kakashi sees, mainly him reading porn and having sex with Anko. Information technology's made worse since he develops it while dismembered and near death, buried in a crater and unable to move or spare the chakra to effort and control it.
- Volume Impaired: Even after becoming Hokage, Naruto is still this. When he looks at his Chunin Exam exam sheet, he's pleased to detect that he'southward unable to understand only one-half the problems this time.
- Butt-Monkey: Neji. Every bit noted by the author at the stop of Chapter 15. First, he is ofttimes scared out of his wits past the very much amused Hinata. And then, he has a hostile Tenten on his easily afterward a misunderstanding in which she believed that his warnings and well-wishes before her prelim friction match with Hinata were him boasting about the superiority of the Hyuuga Clan and its Jyuuken, simply made worse afterwards Hinata won their match. And then, he loses his prelim lucifer against his eternal rival/teammate Rock Lee in a very humiliating Curb-Stomp Battle because he tin can't keep upwards with Lee'southward superior speed or strength.
- Merely for Me, It Was Tuesday: Apparently, for Konoha ninja it's most normal that a shy and drunk kunoichi in the hot springs may react explosively to an insufficiently stealthy peeping tom (equally long as they are not, respectively, Tsunade and Jiraiya).
- Butterfly of Doom:
- The outset major departure occurs the second portion of the Chunin Exam, where, thanks to Sasuke ripping off his arm at the beginning of the fic, Orochimaru goes afterwards Hinata as his next vessel.
- Averted in regard to their seating arrangements in the kickoff portion where, contrary to what Sakura expected, they are given the same spots as the first time.
- Played straight with the Prelims, where the matches are randomized and one actress team (Karin'due south team) managed to pass the second phase of the exam.
- Buxom Is Ameliorate:
- While Naruto loves Hinata no matter how she looks, he actually misses her very large boobs.
- Sakura also misses having boobs. When she gets back to her own time, her first action is to take hold of her ain chest and tell her boobs how much she missed them.
- Cassandra Truth:
- Ino is easily able to tell that Naruto and Hinata, and Sasuke and Sakura are together. Neither of her teammates believe her (in office due to being oblivious preteen boys who take barely hit puberty).
- During the Finals, nobody believes Kakashi when he tells them that his students were already this monstrously strong before he started grooming them.
- Cerebus Syndrome: For all the author's claims about the fic existence goose egg but scissure and laughs, the story gets progressively more serious equally it goes on, with more than and more dramatic or tense moments devoid of whatsoever humor. Yet, the parodic and comedic tones are e'er present to some degree, becoming a Cerebus Rollercoaster afterwards.
- Chekhov'due south Gunman: Kurama remains out of focus much of the fic despite too traveling back in time. Until the end, where it'south realized that the Bijuu's power to district transcends space and time, allowing the travellers a style back abode.
- Scissure Fic
Crevice Pairing: Just to name a few: Mei and Haku, Itachi and Karenbana, Kin and Tayuya, Shino and Hana. Although the final one didn't plow out and so well.
- Creepy Children Singing: Neji cowers terrified in a broom closet while listening to Hinata hum what appears to be a tuneless and heavily truncated version of Naruto Shippuden's second opening
in Chapter 8.
- Crossdresser: Haku wore the dress during his and Mei's wedding. And during their "lone" fourth dimension. This is ostensibly because Mei believes Haku wears feminine clothing better than she does (and make no fault, Mei is non manly or bad looking in the least).
- Curb-Stomp Battle
- Any fight against any fellow member of Squad seven or Hinata, due to retaining their skills and abilities despite beingness in barely boyish bodies.
- The battles betwixt the Kage and the Akatsuki end very rapidly in favor of the sometime. Special mention must go to Onoki and Hidan'due south "fight", which amounts to the latter pulling a Leeroy Jenkins and getting vaporized for his troubles.
- Curb Stomp Cushion: Surprisingly, the Sasuke vs Karin fight in the Chunin Test Finals was this for the latter. Sasuke was confident plenty that he could beat her without not even needing to use the Sharingan; by only using the abilities she had in canon, Karin put upwardly such an impressive fight that she forced Sasuke to apply the Rinnegan to defeat her.
- Cure for Cancer: Parodied in the epilogue. Orochimaru discovered one, except it only worked on sharks and mutated them into "flying, amphibious hellbeasts" as a side effect. He was promptly barred from practicing medicine.
- Death by Adaptation: Unlike the main series where he was merely decapitated and buried (
but nevertheless alive), Hidan was apartment out vaporized by the tertiary Tsuchikage.
- Death Glare:
- This was all that information technology took for Hashirama to defeat Kakuzu. Not whatever flashy jutsu, not even a Badass Boast. Merely staring at him made Kakuzu to moisture his pants and run away on the verge of crying.
- Hinata mentions that her years of motherhood, she had perfected the art of intimidating or make somebody experience guilty by but staring at them.
- Deconstruction Fic: Of the Peggy Sue variety.
- Beginning, none of the fourth dimension travelers knew time travel was fifty-fifty possible. Naruto had sealed away all scrolls pertaining to jutsu involving time travel, as they were experimental at best and thus potentially dangerous.
- Secondly, none of them wanted to go back in fourth dimension. Another reason why those scrolls were sealed away is because the world was equally shut to peace as it was ever going to be. If any of those experimental jutsu had succeeded, the user could potentially undo all the progress made towards what was as close to an ideal future as the ninja globe could get.
- Finally, the time travelers don't carp keeping all the details, because they don't remember them. The events of Part I, to them, happened decades ago. There'south no style they'd be able to continue track of all the details and maintain a path towards an idealized time to come, so they don't even bother. Hence, they instead screw around with everything in gild to bask themselves and permit the chips fall where they may.
- Did Y'all Die?: At ane bespeak the protagonists discuss trying to follow the original timeline and conclude that they don't remember everything clearly plenty (it was twenty years agone from their bespeak of view, after all) to get information technology perfectly correct anyway. Naruto isn't sure if Sasuke was even with them during the Moving ridge mission, and then decides that Sasuke was in fact killed that time. Sasuke points out that he would have remembered getting killed, but Naruto insists information technology happened. He admits that Haku might merely have almost killed Sasuke, which the latter argues is a whole unlike thing.
- Did You Just Have Sex?: Temari stumbles across Sasuke and Sakura sitting together in an unused room of the tower at the center of the Wood of Death after they had simply completed a three 24-hour interval sexual marathon via Tsukiyomi. Even though they aren't mussed at all, she tin clearly tell that something but happened between them based on their flushed and satisfied appearances.
- Dingy Old Man: Jiraya, of course. Hiruzen and Rasa besides count, given how they spend half of the Chunin Examination Finals discussing the genin, and the other half starting at the Hidden Grass representative's "tracts of land".
- Disproportionate Retribution:
- Tobi/Obito violently dismembers the commitment ninja who delivers his invitation to the Uchiha family reunion after merely mentioning his real name. He then immolates the remains and empties his bladder on the ashes for skillful measure.
- According to Temari, who was a witness, Tsunade's reaction to Jiraya peeping on her was this. Given said reaction was to demolish the barrier separating the male and female sections of the hot springs with enough force to office the waters and attempt to murder Jiraya, we can sympathise her point of view... And why she doesn't fifty-fifty desire to imagine what Tsunade would practise to someone trying to invade Konoha.
- Distracted by My Ain Sexy: Upon waking up in an adult trunk, 12-yr old Hinata spends quite some time gaping and feeling her new, huge breasts (which she describes equally having watermelons protruding from her breast). Though different other examples this is less narcissism and more than shock at suddenly having an adult body.
- Distracted by the Sexy: During the finals, it'south mentioned that the Kusa representative was completely unremarkable except for her rather large... "eyes". Thus, Sarutobi and Rasa, both perverted men who have been widowers for over a decade, couldn't care less virtually anything she has to say and are focused more than on her "eyes", and being unsubtle about it also, much to her badgerer.
- Double Entendre: Whether they're intentional or non, Sakura has fabricated a habit of mercilessly lampshading any possible instance of this for her ain personal amusement.
- Dramatic Irony: Karin mentions in an internal monologue that someone simply saving her life wouldn't exist enough to make her have a trounce for any longer than a few months. Kakashi also claims that he would never favor any of his students (which actually causes a Sneeze Cut to his main timeline counterpart).
- The Dreaded:
- Hinata, to the Hyuuga Clan (disallowment Hanabi). When she starting time woke up in the by, Hinata immediately noticed that she wasn't in her house, and that her husband wasn't in bed with her. She immediately rampaged her way through the Hyuuga Association chemical compound to Naruto'south location, putting a tenth of a very large association in the infirmary in the procedure. The event is at present dubbed "The Hinata Massacre", and every fellow member of the clan at present walks on eggshells around her. The epilogue mentions that Hiashi did aught of note other than actively avoiding trying to do anything that would anger his daughter.
- Tsunade, to Temari, after seeing how she reacted to a peeping tom and trying to imagine what she would do to someone trying a more serious crime similar invading Konoha.
- Even while expressionless, The Fourth Hokage to Iwa. Seeing a alphabetic character from his son alert them off working with those who desire to chase him down causes a Mass "Oh, Crap!".
- Itachi. One grapheme'due south internal monologue refers to him as "the boogieman'south boogieman."
- Onoki is pretty sure that Minato can't murder him from beyond the grave only he considers it enough of a legitimate possibility that he personally removes any and all evidence that he e'er worked with a missing ninja group that is currently targeting Minato's son.
- Ear Worm: Exploited by Naruto In-Universe after his talk with Gaara to prevent Shukaku from brainwashing him back. The song he telepathically hums is Haruka Kanata
, another opening from the anime. Fifty-fifty Gaara finds information technology tricky when Shukaku hums information technology in plough.
- Like shooting fish in a barrel Evangelism: Naruto, as the Seventh Hokage, has the ability to apace persuade people to exist ameliorate. Zabusa, himself a "catechumen" of Naruto'southward, says that he is capable of redeeming the scum of the earth with a a punch and a stern lecture. He pulled it on Gato this time, which outright confounds the people of Wave.
- Easily Forgiven: Justified. When Itachi officially returns to Konoha after documents covering the Uchiha Clan's attempted coup are released to the public, his penalization for "subverting the chain of control" is to be kicked out of ANBU and demoted to chunin. It'southward a slap on the wrist and everyone knows it, but they all go on with it since it gets the village leadership out of admitting that they ordered a thirteen twelvemonth old to slaughter his entire clan. Information technology doesn't even stick, anyway — the epilogue mentions that Itachi was named Godaime Hokage not long subsequently the protagonists switched dorsum to their bodies in Timeline Gamma.
- Entertainingly Wrong:
- The Hyuuga Association believes that Hinata went on her binge due to finally snapping nether the stress of all the expectations she had to alive upwardly to as heiress of the clan. Thus, everyone who had put Hinata down and/or had been hostile her in the past (particularly Hiashi and Neji) are downright terrified of being subjected to her wrath, especially since the event marked a remarkable increase in Hinata'southward skill. In reality, Hinata had woken up in the past, noticed that her married man wasn't in bed with her, and, being horny and having pined after Naruto for years before he finally noticed her feelings, fabricated her way to his location without ever realizing where she was.
- Kakashi theorizes that his team'south closeness is a result of whatever result resulted in Sasuke losing his left arm. In a way it is, because what led to the loss of his arm in this timeline was their fourth dimension travel, merely Kakashi isn't thinking of that upshot nor is he even aware of information technology.
- Kin thinks that Naruto'southward barrier move is a weaker version of the one that the Sound Four perform. In reality it's the exact opposite but Tayuya didn't say anything to avoid embarrassing herself in front of her date.
- Evasive Fight-Thread Episode: Naruto and Sasuke decided to go all out for the concluding lucifer of the Chunin exams (with their wives faking a double knock-out to esure that they were at full power and Naruto setting upward a barrier to avoid flattening the entire village). Naruto won by virtue of Sasuke forfeiting after a few minutes.
- Even the Guys Desire Him: Sasuke adamantly denies that Haku has this effect on him. Sakura, Naruto and Hinata tease him relentlessly nigh information technology in Chapter 6. There was also mention of a couple of guys swooning over Naruto and Sasuke following their lucifer in the Chunin examination finals.
- Eye Scream: Apparently, Sasuke in one case traumatized a holy man and a bunch of children by trying to rip out his ain eyes afterwards taking the "if your eyes sin, cut them out" function of scripture literally. He does it later to give them to Itachi, although Sakura grows his own eyes back not long afterwards.
- Failed a Spot Check: Tsunade took three whole chapters to realize she was back in Konoha. To be fair, she came in town drunkard, and was nursing an hangover during those chapters.
- Family Theme Naming/Musical Theme Naming: The "Where Are They Now?" Epilogue mentions that Timeline Beta Rock Lee named his son Metal, who would then have a son named Blues.
- Flat "What":
- The approximate reaction of the citizens of Wave upon coming to the scene of the Span Battle in Chapter 6. annotation Inari, and the several score of concerned Wave citizens backing him up, blinked in unison. The effect was somewhere near comical and creepy. You could actually HEAR their eyelids sorta wetly clapping shut, before sliding back autonomously in perfect synchronization. "...the hell did nosotros miss?" Inari gaped.
- Sasuke's reaction to Sakura telling him that they had inadvertently time traveled.
- Ko Hyuuga's reaction to finding Hinata coming out of Naruto'southward apartment with her bedclothes in disarray.
- Kankuro and Temari's reaction to the idea of Naruto and Kurama holding down Gaara and Shukaku and giving them a friendship oral communication.
- Yugao'southward reaction to finding out Tsunade is back in Konoha.
- For Scientific discipline!: After his Adjourn Stomp at the hands of Hinata, Orochimaru decides to retire from beingness a ninja and dedicate himself to scientific research.
- For Want of a Nail: Since Team seven finished the second phase early, Sasuke didn't save Karin from the bear — Lee did. Terminate result? Karin develops a crush on Lee instead and her team makes it to the preliminaries. Thus, since an extra team passed and the preliminary matches are randomized (unlike the seating for the first examination), people who made it to the tertiary phase last time don't (such as Kankuro and Neji), and people who didn't go far the first time around do (Sakura, Hinata, Ino, and Lee). Karin herself ends up in the finals aslope one of her teammates.
- Geeky Turn-On: Sarada finds Boruto's Techno Blubbering incredibly hot.
- Girl-on-Girl Is Hot: Hiruzen and Rasa sport matching nosebleeds when the Hidden Grass representative shows appreciation not just for Naruto'south male-version Oiroke jutsu but as well the female version.
- Handicapped Badass: Sasuke. Though, to be honest, he's lived and then long without i arm that having it dorsum probably would have handicapped him more than he already is. And he can freely abound a new arm whenever he wants.
- Dwelling house Porn Movie: In the epilogue, Akatsuchi becomes Tsuchikage. Kurotsuchi partners upwards with Kankuro running his porn visitor, both professionally and personally, culminating in a sex tape that lands on the fledgling cyberspace.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Itachi (v'seven'') ends upwardly with Karenbana (who'south short plenty to be mistaken for a kid).
- Humiliation Conga: Obito of the master timeline was a serious threat who well-nigh succeeded in his plans and found some measure of redemption in expiry; Obito of the past winds up getting his ass kicked by Konan and Nagato offscreen and is left for dead, he'southward stuck watching Kakashi's sex life and perverted hobbies through the Rinnegan he develops immediately after that battle, and the members of Akatsuki are all killed, captured, or turn on him. He goes to Orochimaru for assistance out of desperation and has his Secret Identity casually dismissed every bit Orochimaru rejects his offer of alliance and is thrown out on his ass by Jeeves. Years later, he'southward nevertheless stuck watching Kakashi's sex life through his Rinnegan, launched an unsuccessful effort at globe conquest, and was eventually defeated by a cooking pot and a wooden spoon.
- I Have No Son!: Well, more like "I Have No Godson". Jiraiya jokingly(?) disowned Naruto after he started his fight against Temari with Contrary Harem Jutsu: Shikamaru Style!
- In Spite of a Nail: Choji yet ends up with Karui and Kiba still ends upwardly with Tamaki despite Naruto and Sakura not setting any of them upwards. In fact, the couples hook up several years before. And the seating arrangements for the first stage of the Chunin Exams were exactly the same.
- Information technology'due south a Long Story: Sasuke's caption to Itachi as to how he has an Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. Crosses over into Leaning on the Fourth Wall:
It'south a long story. Very, very long. Enough to fill seven hundred capacity of a weekly shounen manga, over four hundred episodes of a one-half-hour anime, several feature length movies, and a dozen or and then OVAs of varying quality.
- Karma Houdini: Danzo, if y'all don't include the heart attack he had towards the terminate of the story subsequently learning well-nigh Naruto being a time traveler.
- Know When to Fold 'Em: Orochimaru gets his ass handed to him by Hinata, and promptly retires from supervillainy to become a researcher.
- Law of Disproportionate Response:
- Naruto's response to unexpected time travel? Compression the bridge of his nose in frustration and worry about his kids. His response to his now 12 year old body being impotent? Releasing enough killing intent towards his crotch to crusade anybody occupying the floors below his apartment to feel a sudden loosening in their bowels too as giving a particularly elderly tenant a center attack.
- Sasuke'due south response to having a left arm again is to rip information technology clean off at the elbow.
- Lighter and Softer: There'due south far more emphasis on humor than your boilerplate Peggy Sue fic. In fact, in that location's an author's note at the cease of the kickoff chapter noting that while other fics with a like premise have drama, angst, and overpowered principal characters plowing through their enemies, this fic has laughs, snark...and overpowered main characters plowing through their enemies.
- Like an Erstwhile Married Couple: Sasuke and Sakura's interactions, as Kakashi notes. Unbeknownst to him, they are a married couple, just not an "quondam" one.
- Literal Metaphor: During his travels as an adult, Sasuke listens to the sermon of some priest from a faraway land saying it is improve to rip off an centre or an arm if information technology causes you to sin rather than exist condemned with all your parts intact. Said priest immediately stops when he sees Sasuke well-nigh to actually tear off his left arm.
- The Loins Slumber Tonight: Both Sasuke and Naruto suffer this due to their twelve yr old bodies not having gone through puberty even so. Sakura's and Hinata's reactions range from balmy annoyance to amusement.
- The Matchmaker: Naruto and Sakura took a hobby of hooking upward their friends, beingness responsible for Choji/Karui and Kiba/Tamaki. It's mentioned that they don't have a very adept success rate (one happy couple for every twelve disasters), Shino/Hana being i such failure that resulted in millions of ryo in belongings damage on the first date.
- May–December Romance:
Mei (28) and Haku (xvi). They're getting married in June.
- Meanwhile, in the Future…: After chapter 26, the story starts jumping between timeline beta (the past) and timeline gamma (the nowadays).
- Meet the In-Laws: It's mentioned in passing that it was a lot less awkward and confusing the 2d fourth dimension that Sakura introduced her teammate-turned-enemy-turned-teammate-turned-swain-turned-hubby-turned-teammate-turned-beau Sasuke to her parents.
- Mood Whiplash: Abused in Chapter 14. They get from the lightheaded end of Chapter 13, to a rather serious conversation past Naruto to Gaara, to... keeping Shukaku from letting the speech sink in by style of getting a song stuck in Shukaku's head.
- Ms. Fanservice: Naruto'due south Sexy Jutsu, as in canon. It knocks out Jiraiya the first time he sees it, and is accompanied by five paragraphs of description. Weaponized, in fact, during the bell exam, where he brings all of the female characters from Icha Icha to life with some assist from shadow clones and sets them on Kakashi.
- Mundane Utility: Sasuke's Mangekyo Sharingan grants him all of the most feared powers of the Uchiha clan. Information technology also allows him to have sex with Sakura anywhere, at any fourth dimension, and lets him set a heart-to-eye conversation with Itachi which nobody tin can disturb.
- My Friends... and Zoidberg: Sasuke volition occasionally get this from everyone and the narration since his defecting from Konoha and taking over the world is a Once Done, Never Forgotten moment.
- Narrative Grid: Very nowadays in the fic, often going on long tangents nearly political and economic history or graphic symbol motivations. Since it'southward a Crack Fic, most of them are used every bit the prepare up for jokes.
- Nausea Fuel: Practical In-Universe when Hinata nearly loses the contents of her stomach upon imagining Orochimaru having sexual practice.
- Overnice to the Waiter: Strangely, the commitment ninja sent to deliver the invitations to Uzumaki and Uchiha Association reunions were all brutally eviscerated/eaten/tortured/beaten unconscious, except for those sent to Kakashi...and Itachi. Itachi even tipped the guy.
- No Kill Like Overkill: Naruto defeats Haido by powering up to Super Fashion, and then drawing all of Gelel into his Rasengan, creating a Cosmic Rasenshuriken that takes the hapless Big Bad Wannabe into orbit. Naruto but hopes it won't hit the moon, since that would exist really hard to explain.
- No Periods, Flow: Averted; when Tsunade and Shizune are first introduced, the latter is miserable from it being her time of the calendar month, and they only had enough coin for either nutrient or medication.
- Not So Stoic: Itachi is left amiss at Sasuke's explanation most the future and how much his lilliputian brother outclasses him.
- Noodle Implements: The Kite Wars ended later on Obito was defeated by a cooking pot and a wooden spoon.
- Noodle Incident: A few:
- In that location'due south i mentioned involving Tora the cat, a Kumo delegation, Yugito Nii and feline chakra in Affiliate 7.
Sakura: It was a D-rank mission, Naruto. How you managed to get the details of the report classified as an S-ranked secret is beyond me.
- In that location's another one alluded to accept happened pre-fourth dimension travel, involving Naruto's and Sasuke's second run at the Chunin Exams at some point after the Fourth Shinobi World War.
- Sasuke gets incredibly flustered when Hinata brings upwards a certain anniversary dinner.
- When talking virtually Naruto being a slob as a kid, Sasuke and Sakura mention such events every bit the Boxer Short Rebellion, the Moldy Toast Assassination Plot, the Stocking Strike, and a mutant cockroach uprising. Given the screams coming from the moving sock that Naruto had merely impaled with a kunai, it'due south likely they really happened.
- The Kite Wars, a series of conflicts instigated past Obito in Timeline Beta that is mentioned in the epilogue.
- In that location'due south i mentioned involving Tora the cat, a Kumo delegation, Yugito Nii and feline chakra in Affiliate 7.
- Not Plenty to Bury:
- There is no official record of anyone trying to electrocute the Seventh Hokage's wife. This is because there is never a body left after the Seventh Hokage finished with the assassinator, so it was piece of cake for the ANBU to encompass it up.
- Naruto mentions that Sakura'southward students probably learned a lot about high velocity impacts from studying the remains of an assassin who attempted to poison Sasuke in his sleep.
- The Third Tsuchikage finds a way around Hidan's immortality. It is vaporization.
- Not in the Face!: Invoked by Orochimaru during his fight with Hinata in Chapter eleven
Orochimaru: OH GOD NOT THE Face.
- Official Couple: As the fic is established to be epilogue-compliant, Naruto is with Hinata and Sasuke is with Sakura.
- Oh, Crap!:
- Kakashi, during the bell exam, when Sakura starts rearranging the landscape. He's more annoyed than scared past Sasuke's genjutsu and thrilled by Naruto's anarchistic ninjutsu but Sakura's strength has him running.
- Kankuro, subsequently Naruto offhandedly mentions that Konohamaru is the Sandaime's grandson, while said grandson is up in the air and was about to exist punched by Kankuro.
- Neji, when Hinata finally catches up to him.
- Kabuto, sometime betwixt having Sakura snatch his ninja info cards out of his easily before he tin can react and her making Naruto's card evidence a picture Kabuto hadn't used in creating any of his cards.
- Hinata, upon realizing that Orochimaru had come for her rather than Sasuke. It doesn't concluding, every bit their fight makes it very articulate that in spite of the limits of her younger trunk, she is withal capable of outmatching him.
- Orochimaru, upon realizing just how strong Hinata is by via of having his artillery neutralized by her Gentle Fist.
- Karin, upon meeting the conduct.
- Dosu, during his circular-1 match against Gaara in the Chunin Examination Preliminaries; although he spends a flake of time beating Gaara around with his sound-based attacks, one time Gaara catches him in a Sand Coffin he very rapidly goes from taunting and calm to "OH GOD I SURRENDER, PLEASE DON'T Kill ME!"
- Jiraya, upon learning that Tsunade is on the other side of the female public bath he's peeping on.
- Temari, upon witnessing Tsunade's rage at Jiraya peeping on her. And once more upon realizing that if she was willing to murder a friend for peeping she would do unspeakable things to someone who tried to invade Konoha.
- Yugao, upon realizing she'southward supposed to arrest Tsunade for the above, as she knows well she no ANBU has whatever risk confronting her (thankfully, Tsunade did not resist).
- Kakuzu, when realizing the Tertiary Tsuchikage may be about to fight him. Kakuzu considers Pain and the Third Hokage as Worthy Opponents, just is terrified of the Third Tsuchikage for his Dust Style and the fact he, every bit a lowly genin, survived Madara (the i human who could friction match the First Hokage, who had foiled Kakuzu'due south bump-off attempt by looking him in the optics). Now you can stop wondering why Kakuzu was so terrified, and first wondering on how he managed to hide it fifty-fifty when Onoki told him in no uncertain terms he was about to kill him.
- Many, many spies later watching Naruto and Sasuke's god-level match during the finals. 1 Kumo spy'southward report is simply a succinct message stating that they were "fucked".
- Older and Wiser: The time travelers have matured remarkably over the years; which is why they had no intention of going back in fourth dimension fifty-fifty if they knew it was possible. Naruto sealed abroad those scrolls for a reason.
- One Dialogue, Two Conversations: After seeing his girl come habitation worried, Hiashi decided to have an incredibly awkward heart-to-centre with Naruto. Hiashi thought they were talking most Naruto and Hinata'south more than anarchistic romantic practices, while Naruto (more specifically the Naruto from the beginning of the series within his developed torso) thought they were talking about the fact that he woke upward in bed naked adjacent to Hinata.
- But Sane Man: Sasuke, especially when compared to his wife, Sakura. Which is ironic, considering that when the protagonists were actually this age, Sasuke was the near mentally unbalanced out of all of them, while Sakura was the most well-adapted.
- OOC Is Serious Business: Kiba and Shino are seriously weirded out by Hinata's uncontrollable fit of laughter in Affiliate 5.
- Out of Focus: Kurama went dorsum in time too, or at to the lowest degree is heavily suggested to have gone back in fourth dimension. He is, however, rarely mentioned, as thus far nothing has come that would require Naruto to actually utilize his ability.
- He finally begins to exercise things in in Chapter 14, where it is also confirmed that he did in fact also go dorsum in time.
- Outlived Its Creator: In-Universe example. New books in the Icha Icha series are still existence written over ii decades after Jiraya's death, ghostwritten by Naruto, Konahamaru, and Hinata.
- Overly Long Tongue: Orochimaru still has his. Not a proficient idea to use it against a Gentle Fist practitioner.
- Overshadowed by Awesome: Tobirama. The narration mentions that he did far more for the infrastructure of the Foliage Village than any other Kage, simply about of his achievements were overlooked considering he lacked his brother's charisma and Sarutobi's skill at diplomacy.
- Newspaper-Thin Disguise: Itachi's endeavour to infiltrate the Uchiha Clan reunion is a bust, not considering of Naruto's amazing sensing abilities, only because of his terrible disguise.
- Peggy Sue: The Crack Fic diversity.
- It's also an inversion, since later in the story nosotros see the 12-year old versions of Team 7 and Hinata waking upwardly in their adult bodies.
- Pen Pals: Shino is pen pals with Fu. The epilogue mentions that they started a Long-Altitude Human relationship.
- Played for Laughs: Everything. The only reason why a Peggy Sue fic where the time travelers' retain all their previous abilities, which makes 2 of them the most powerful ninja in the world right now, doesn't play similar a
Canon Sue fic is because nada is existence taken seriously.
- Polyamory: In that location is strongly unsaid to be some sort of "agreement" between the two Uchiha and Uzumaki couples.
- Power Perversion Potential:
- Sasuke and Sakura utilize the former'southward Tsukuyomi to accept 72 consecutive hours of sex in a few seconds.
- Naruto can use the Sexy no Jutsu to peep on his own transformed clones.
- Defied by Hinata, who claims to never take used the Byakugan for perverted purposes (much to Sakura's disbelief).
- Pre-Mortem One-Liner: Rasa, the Fourth Kazekage, gets an first-class one before he crushes Sasori and the puppet of the Third Kazekage in his gold grit.
Rasa: But feel honored, Akasuna... for few men indeed are floated across the Styx in coffins of pure gold.
- Central Scene: Sarada walks in on her parents naked in bed together in affiliate 27. In something of a variation, she's unfazed, but they freak out considering the time travel jutsu that sent them back in time actually swapped their minds with that of their 12 year sometime selves.
- Psychic Radar: Taken Upwardly to Eleven by Naruto. Even one-half asleep and mayhap hungover, Naruto's sensory abilities are strong enough that his range is roughly 1 hundred kilometers. Add together in Kurama's chakra and his ability's range increases to encompass almost all of the Elemental Nations as well every bit becoming astute enough to selection up microscopic organisms.
- Punny Proper noun: "The Hinata Massacre"; according to the narrative, for all their stoicism and airs, elderberry Hyuuga are (apparently) incredibly fond of puns.
- "The Reason You Suck" Spoken communication: Naruto gives one to Haido, pointing out just how irredeemable he is, saying that Orochimaru and Danzo were better considering they had goals other than ability for ability's sake.
- Carmine Shirt: Invoked by Ko Hyuuga word for word in describing himself after he'south sent to retrieve Hinata soon after "The Hinata Massacre".
- Refuge in Audacity:
- Naruto, Hinata, Sakura and Sasuke aren't even trying to hibernate the fact that they've inexplicably become exponentially more than powerful overnight, and it (mostly) works besides.
- The Hyuuga Clan just recollect Hinata'southward snapped, and Kakashi assumes that any spy capable of replicating the Mangekyo and Naruto's Seal would have to be drop dead stupid to showcase their strength then openly (Sakura is ruled out past clan). Hiruzen seems to be the only ane who's remotely suspicious of it all, but he isn't openly taking action on those suspicions as of Chapter 8. In chapter 21 he reveals he has guessed everything. Well, not everything, he got Naruto's number equally Hokage wrong and he doesn't know how the fourth dimension travellers became that strong, merely he deduced that Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and Hinata are freakishly strong time travellers past merely observing their force level and how they human action.
- In affiliate 15 it's revealed that Kakashi realizes that their sudden and inexplicable growth in skill is something that should be raising some alert flags, just the fact that he that he genuinely likes them and his ever growing belief that his team will actually outlive him makes him too happy to care.
- Jiraiya is thrown so far off balance by Naruto'south rapid fire revelations during their beginning meeting that he decides to not even question the absurdity of it all and happily offers to teach Naruto summoning.
- Required Secondary Powers: Toyed with. The 4 main characters have all the abilities they came dorsum with, forth with their chakra reserves, but their bodies are yet twelve years old and lack the conditioning they're used to. Their by selves in their future bodies aren't as lucky, and Hinata knocks herself out past exhausting her relatively tiny chakra reserve with her Byakugan.
- Rescue Romance: Just like in catechism, Karin falls in dearest with the boy who rescues her in the Woods of Death. Although information technology wasn't Sasuke this time around... it was Lee.
- Screw the Rules, I Accept Connections!: Lampshaded. Shikamaru says that under normal circumstances, using forbidden time travel kinjutsu could qualify as high treason, but since the perpetrators are the hokage'due south son and preferred successor respectively he can't actually give them a harsh punishment. So he merely makes them article of clothing signs saying ''WE Volition Non MESS Around WITH FORBIDDEN JUTSU'' until the trouble is stock-still.
- Shared Family unit Quirks: Naruto implies the the Uchiha must all share a nurse fetish afterward learning that some magazines Sasuke had him hide were actually Itachi'southward.
- She Is Non My Girlfriend: Boruto and Sarada both take this attitude towards each other.
- Shipper on Deck: Sakura and Naruto are this towards their friends. Sakura is especially fervent in her aircraft of Lee/Tenten, and it'southward stated that the two all-time friends were responsible for Chouji/Karui and Kiba/Tamaki.
- Shoot the Messenger: The unfortunate fate of roughly one-half of the delivery ninja sent to deliver invitations to the Uzumaki and Uchiha family unit reunions.
- Skewed Priorities: Afterward finding out what happened to Team 7 and Hinata, Shikamaru calls an emergency meeting. A third of the people at that place are more concerned with the fact that Hinata won't be able to finish the new Icha Icha book on time than the fact that four of the nigh powerful people in the village accept been swapped with their twelve year former selves.
- Slave to PR: The only reason Itachi is punished at all later having his proper noun cleared and returning to Konoha is so the Hokage and the elders don't have to admit they ordered a xiii year old to kill his entire family unit. Even then, they but demote him, which doesn't fifty-fifty stick since he becomes Hokage himself non long later.
- Smug Super: Team 7 and Hinata, often to ridiculous degrees. How much they boast commonly varies depending on their opponents.
- The Smurfette Principle: Lampshaded by Hinata in chapter 34 when she refers to Fubuki Kakuyoku as the "obligatory kunoichi".
- Spared by the Adaptation: With the exception of a few Akatsuki members and movie villains, pretty much everybody that died during the events of the main series survives.
- Squick: In-Universe example. Part of the reason for why Sasuke refused to have his lost arm replaced with one comprised of Hashirama's cells is because he found the idea icky.
The idea of replacing his missing arm with a bunch of mutant adult stalk cells of a human being who had died around half a century ago was just gross. He couldn't even stand up drinking from some other person's canteen, and they expected him to exist fine and dandy with gluing some sort of tree-man corpse-tumor onto the stump of his elbow?
Yes, no. His fight with Kabuto had left Sasuke deadline paranoid about trunk modification. That naked chick crawling out of the man's breast flashing him with her lifeless clone tits had been traumatizing enough. - The Stations of the Canon: Subverted. The protagonists notwithstanding follow the plot to an extent, just they don't even carp with the details because to them, this all happened 2 decades ago and there'due south no away they'd manage to call back something so pocket-sized in the yard scheme of things, even with Sakura's retentiveness rate. Thus, i of the kickoff deviations happens early when Orochimaru, thank you to Sasuke ripping off his arm and making his body an unsuitable host, goes subsequently Hinata as his next vessel. He doesn't succeed in marking her (mainly because he was on the losing end of the fight before retreating when the rest of her team arrived), ensuring that neither Sasuke nor her will finish upwards in Oto.
- Stepford Smiler: Hinata has the Hyuuga Association convinced she's a Type C. She does nothing to dissuade them of it and in fact seems to have gleeful pleasure in promoting said misconception.
- Story-Breaker Power: In the epilogue, information technology's stated that all of Mei and Haku's children take three Bloodline Limits.
- Sufficiently Analyzed Magic: Chakra evidently works this manner as discovered past Sarada and Boruto. Their solution to reversing the body-switch jutsu involves a Technobabble time-space motorcar hooked to a supercomputer.
- Symbolic Mutilation: Sasuke'due south reason for refusing a prosthetic for his left arm, every bit well as why he incinerates the very real left arm that he'd ripped off post time travel when Sakura offers to reattach it.
Sasuke : Information technology's symbolic. The hand I used when I tried to kill you is gone. Discarding it signifies my resolve to turn aside from the nighttime path I walked in my younger years. It'southward a sign of my penitence, and of my ultimate credence of your philosophy.
Naruto: You know...
I'm pretty sure you've tried to impale me enough of times with your right mitt, likewise.
- Team Mom: Hinata treats Shino and Kiba more than like her sons rather than her teammates. Given that Hinata is 20-five years their senior, and she has a son currently older than them, it wasn't difficult for her to get into the part.
- Teen Genius: Boruto and Sarada are apparently scientific prodigies in the field of chakra theory and physics. (Boruto in particular discovered uzumachyons)
- There Are No Therapists: Averted; many of the high-ranking Leaf nin are outright ordered to undergo therapy.
- Throw the Dog a Os: The epilogue mentions that Neji finally caught a break after he married Tenten.
- Title Driblet: Naruto does this in Chapter 1 subsequently realizing that as a side upshot of being put back in his twelve year old body, he tin can no longer get it on with his wife, Hinata.
Naruto: ...I'm gonna kill whoever got united states thrown dorsum in time. Fuck causality, fuck the laws of nature. I don't even care about that garbage anymore...multiverse theory or some shit, I don't know...BUT I AM Not GOING THROUGH PUBERTY AGAIN!
- Timey-Wimey Brawl: As the author cheekily points out in Affiliate 26. The rest of the affiliate shows that whatever jutsu left the fourth dimension travelers stuck in the by with their past bodies, actually switched them with their past selves. Pregnant that a bunch of preteens are stuck in the bodies of the four most powerful people in the village, if not the earth.
- Besides Dumb to Live:
- Temari and Kankuro'south opinion of Naruto after he asks Gaara to join him for ramen during their first meeting. Of course, he actually isn't. If Naruto honestly wanted to, he could probably wipe the floor with all 3 of them in x seconds flat, but they don't know that.
- Kakuzu's stance of Hidan was that the only reason his partner was still alive was that he hadn't pissed off those who could simply atomize him and impale him in spite of his immortality. Then Hidan went and charged at the Tertiary Tsuchikage and confirmed his opinion by getting disintegrated.
- Took a Level in Badass:
- While Team 7's meteoric rise in skill is very much documented in canon, Hinata'south wasn't. Apparently, during the duration of the xviii years between the stop of the manga and the quartet's unintended journeying through fourth dimension, Hinata became a kunoichi whose skill is comparable to the likes of Kakashi and Itachi (putting her on par with the Sandaime Hokage in his old age). Something that Ko Hyuuga can very much attest to after feeling a sliver of Hinata's KI. Chapter 11 showcases her growth, where despite having been a bit out of shape for several years, her electric current trunk lacking the physical conditioning to handle her fighting way, and facing Orochimaru, who, in spite of her existent age, has a pregnant experience advantage over her, Hinata is yet able to match and fifty-fifty overwhelm him.
- Sakura hasn't been slouching around either and according to Hinata, she is now theoretically good enough to stand toe to toe with Madara or Hashirama at the top of their game.
- Took a Level in Kindness: Motherhood actually mellowed Karin out. By the time the grouping went back in time, she had become a "dumpy mothering housewife".
- Affect Telepathy: Earlier the time traveling incident, Naruto reverse-engineered the principles of the Sage of the Six Paths' ninshu, assuasive him to share memories and communicate telepathically while in physical contact with some other person. Team 7 and Hinata employ this power to communicate inconspicuously.
- Trapped in the Past: Team Seven and Hinata have no idea how specifically they got sent to the by and, to their great dismay, none of them know how to go about reversing the process.
- Troll: Sakura. During the first portion of the Chunin Exam, she finished the first nine questions in v minutes and spent the rest of the time doodling a very sexual picture show of Adult!Sakura making out with Adult!Ino. Thus, when Ino transferred her mind into Sakura'south torso like in canon, she was... surprised at what she saw.
- To be honest, this applies to all of the time travelers, to varying degrees. They take great amusement in their foreknowledge and superior skills and abilities, and take no issue in mocking their peers and/or superiors. "The Hinata Massacre" is 1 such example, and one Hinata is no rush to rectify.
- Naruto's "first" meeting with Jiraiya, where he takes gleeful joy in overwhelming his (hereafter) master with numerous revelations, including (simply not limited to) Sasuke having the Rinnegan and him having total mastery over Kurama's chakra. Jiraiya is so confounded that he decides non to question whatsoever of information technology and offers to teach Naruto summoning instead.
- How does Naruto dispense Onoki into getting rid of the Akatsuki? Past sending him a letter admonishing his actions, then signing information technology equally "The Son of the Yellowish Flash", all with a motion-picture show of him with a rasengan in one hand and a hiraishin kunai in the other.
- Tsundere: Itachi at i indicate calls Sasuke a Tsundere causing him to Face up Plant
- Wham Episode: Chapter 27 tells us how the foursome concluded up in the by. Boruto and Sarada tried to become dorsum in time using a jutsu that Naruto had sealed. Unfortunately, it didn't work the manner they intended...
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Much like everything else, lampshaded and Played for Laughs. The epilogue straight upward has a line that states "Nobody remembered Baki".
- "Where Are They At present?" Epilogue: It details the fate of those in Timeline Beta after the quartet from Timeline Gamma switch dorsum to their original bodies back abode.
- Globe'south Strongest Man: Time travel is weird. For some reason, Squad vii and Hinata retained their original forcefulness (chakra levels, reflexes, skills, knowledge, etc.). The simply affair that would be holding them back is a change in body blazon (fully grown adults to twelve year olds), but whatever effect it would have seems to be negligible. Thus, that technically makes Naruto and Sasuke the strongest ninja in the world (despite being, you lot know, genin), and all four past far the strongest ninja in the village. Even Hinata, the weakest of them, who was slightly out of shape and hadn't been in an life-or-death battle for years by the time of their trip to the past, is still easily able to lucifer and overwhelm a still-technically-in-his-prime Orochimaru.
- Would Hit a Girl: Jiraiya. Yes, Jiraiya. Granted, there were specific circumstances: When he saw Konan at the Uzumaki reunion (as Nagato'due south plus-ane), and she slapped him for abandoning them, he slaps her right back for the Besides Impaired to Live action of going up confronting the unbeatable Hanzo and throwing their lives away. Tsunade and Konan are both speechless.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Hinata was referred to equally Konoha's very own yamato nadeshiko incarnate earlier the time traveling incident that started off the events of the fic, her fame a result of her spousal relationship to Naruto and her own considerable skills.
- In Chapter nine, though he never direct refers to the term itself, Shino muses on how hands Hinata slipped into the leadership role, manipulating both him and Kiba with terrifying efficiency in such a warm and kind manner that neither of them can really find whatsoever error with it.
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